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Paestum Wheelchair Accessible Tours

Sorrento wheelchair friendly Paestum accessible tours has always been shrouded in mystery. It was probably founded around 650 BC by a large group of Dorians who had been expelled from the city of Sybaris.

The Dorians named their new colony Poseidonia, after the most important of their gods; it flourished and quickly became the greatest city on the gulf of Salerno.

Then in 510 BC, Sybaris was destroyed.

Incredibly, although Paestum's Temple of Hera ( also called "of Poseidon" ) was among the most famous cult-worship sites in antiquity, and although it is the oldest.

Best preserved and most beautiful Doric temple in existence today, and despite the city's proximity to Salerno ( 24 miles ), these majestic ruins were unknown all through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Indeed, although scholars had been searching for them for centuries, they were not discovered until 1740 and even then, not accurately described until 1779.

Traces of a Roman amphitheater and other buildings, as well as intersecting main streets, have also been found.

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Paestum wheelchair accessible tours.

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Naples and Sorrento Wheelchair Friendly Hotels

Naples Wheelchair Accessible HotelNaples
Hotel Wheelchair Friendly

Naples, CN06

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Hotel Wheelchair Friendly

Sorrento, CN05

Sorrento, Italy

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Hotel Wheelchair Friendly

Naples, CN02

Naples, Italy

sorrento wheelchair users accessible hotelsSorrento
Hotel Wheelchair Friendly

Sorrento, CN04

Naples Provence
Sorrento, Campania 80067

Sorrento disabled accessible accommodationSorrento
Hotel Wheelchair Friendly

Sorrento, CN03

Naples Provence
Sorrento, Campania 80067

naples wheelchair accessible hotelsNaples
Hotel Wheelchair Friendly

Naples, CN01

Naples Provence
Naples, Campania 80142

ravello wheelchair accessible hotelsRavello
Hotel Wheelchair Friendly

Ravello, CS01

Salerno Provence
Ravello, Campania 84010