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Duomo of Florence
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Duomo of Florence Wheelchair Tuscany  Accessible Tours
Duomo of Florence Wheelchair Tuscany  Accessible Tours
Duomo of Florence Wheelchair Accessible Tours
Duomo of Florence Wheelchair Accessible Tours

Duomo of Florence Wheelchair Accessible Tours For Disabled

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Duomo of Florence Wheelchair Accessible Tours

The Duomo of Florence wheelchair accessible tours, as we see it today is the end result of years of work that covered over six centuries of history.

Its basic architectural project was designed by Arnolfo di Cambio at the end of the 13th century.

The cupola that has made it a symbol for the whole of Tuscany was created by that genius of the Renaissance, Filippo Brunelleschi.

While the facade that completed it was carried out as late as the late 19th century.

A whole series of structural and decorative interventions to both the exterior and the interior that were to enrich the history of the monument were carried out during this space of time.

These range from the construction of the two sacristies to the 16th century marble flooring, and from the execution of the sculptures to the frescoes, signed by Paolo Uccello, Andrea del Castagno, Giorgio Vasari and Federico Zuccari ( the Last Judgement in the cupola ).

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Duomo of Florence wheelchair accessible tours.

Unmissable visit at it with our Florence Accessible Tours, in Tuscany.

Specifically tailored to wheelchair users, reduced mobility persons and disabled with an adapted van.

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