Marino Marini Museum Wheelchair Accessible Details
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Marino Marini Museum Tours Florence Day Excursions

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Disabled Florence accessible tours Marino Marini Museum excursions

The disabled Florence accessible tours Marino Marini Museum excursions, is located inside the former Church of San Pancrazio.

Is something totally different from the others, a place where classical art goes well with the contemporary one coexisting under one roof.

The outside square with uneven paving.

Access from n. 2 via a ramp with a steep slope of 8%, directly from Piazza San Pancrazio.

You will need help to go up.

The interior of the museum is all accessible thanks to slides and platforms.

For a guided tour for blind people, it is necessary to book on the phone prior your visit.

Large heavy iron and glass door.

Lift to upper and lower floors.

Internal level differences connected by ramps.

Wheelchair users, reduced mobility and disabled accessible toilet.

Opening Times & Ticket Cost

Monday Closed
From Tuesday to Friday 11:00 to 18:00
Saturdays from 11:00 to 19:00
Sundays 10:30 to 19:30

Ticket cost: Adult Euro 6,00 - Reduced 4,00

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