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Baia Wheelchair Accessible Tours

Together with Cuma, Pozzuoli, the nearby Bacoli, Baia wheelchair accessible tours, is located in the evocative setting of the Campi Flegrei, an area famous since the dawn of time for its volcanic activity.

An activity which however has not affected, but rather has kept intact some of the beauties of this ancient town, divided between the land and the seabed.

Regarding the origins of Baia, and above all its name, there are some legends, the best known of which is linked to the myth of Ulysses, according to what Strabo tells, the Greek historian and geographer says that Bajos, helmsman and companion of Ulysses.

In reality, the most accredited hypothesis is that according to which the name derives from lacus bayum, a basin enclosed between two promontories.

The promontory of Punta dell'Epitaffio and that of Punta del Castello.

The Submerged Park Ancient Streets that until a few centuries ago were teeming with people, remains of precious floors to indicate the past splendor of those who populated those houses, wonders that the water hides and jealously preserves.

This is what appears to those who are about to visit visit equipped with a diving suit, or simply observe from the surface of the water, the Submerged Park of Baia.

A site established in 2002 by the Minister of the Environment and Land Protection and that of Cultural Heritage and Activities, and subsequently which became a protected area in 2007.

An authentic submerged city, which preserves the remains of luxury homes, but also monuments of enormous value and archaeological value.

Private Baia Wheelchair Accessible Tours

Disabled friendly Baia wheelchair accessible tours with a professional guide.

Accessible Italian Holiday provide a safe and a full accessible tours around it at previewed itineraries.

Visit this rich and fascinating land with a specialized tourist guide.

Adapted van transportation specifically designed for disabled tourists traveling on holiday to have  Baia in Naples.

Touring Baia

As for the city, the first settlements date back to Roman times, in particular to the III century BC, but it was only two centuries later that it reached its maximum splendor.

Filling up with Villae where some of the greatest protagonists of Roman history stayed, and becoming a holiday and leisure place.

A place where every kind of entertainment was allowed: from alcohol consumption to illicit sex, not to mention parties on the beach and on boats.

Starting from the I century BC, however, Baia wheelchair accessible tours, underwent a violent phenomenon of bradyseism.

Over the centuries would have brought half the city under water The Archaeological Complex represents the remains of the emerged part of the city, located on a hill.

It contain buildings, villas and spa complexes, belonging to a vast period of Roman history, which embraces the late Republican age and the Augustan, Hadrianic and Severe ages.

Structures among which the Temples of Diana, Mercury and Venus undoubtedly stand out, originally created as places of worship but later becoming spa facilities.

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Baia wheelchair accessible tours.

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