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San Gennaro


Catacombs of San Gennaro Wheelchair Accessible Tours Naples Excursions

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Catacombs of San Gennaro Wheelchair Accessible Tours

Catacombs of San Gennaro wheelchair accessible tours, is a journey through the history of Christianity.

It is the most important monument of Christianity in Naples.

At the foot of the Capodimonte hill, a short distance from the historic center of Naples, the Sanità district is a district to visit above and below.

In its bowels, below street level, there is an underground city that houses the catacombs.

The Catacombs of San Gennaro are ancient cemetery areas located in the subsoil of Naples and which date back to the II and III centuries.

They represent one of the oldest monuments of Christianity in the city in the shadow of Vesuvius.

Here are the tombs of the Neapolitan bishops.

The monumental complex of San Gennaro adds the vision of grandiose underground architecture, of frescoes from different eras, ranging from the end of the II to the X century, of splendid mosaics brought to light in recent excavations.

The iconographic documentation, in color and black and white, is exceptional.

Specially designed and created to give the reader an exact idea of the richness and beauty of the monument.

Private Catacombs of San Gennaro Wheelchair Accessible Tours

Naples and Sorrento disabled friendly accessible guided tours and cruise shore excursions.

Accessible Italian Holiday provide a safe and a full Catacombs of San Gennaro wheelchair accessible tours accessible tours around it at previewed itineraries.

Visit this rich and fascinating archeological site with a specialist tourist guide.

Adapted van transportation specifically designed for disabled tourists traveling on holiday to Italy.

Touring Catacombs of San Gennaro

The Catacombs of San Gennaro, are arranged on two non-overlapping levels.

Both characterized by much larger spaces than the more famous Roman catacombs.

This is due to the malleability and resistance of the tuff, today divided into lower catacomb and upper catacomb.

According to the historical reconstruction, they were born as the sepulcher of a rich Roman family who then donated them to the Christian community.

The elements that most characterize the upper catacomb are the small “crypt of the bishops” and the majestic “basilica maior” (a real underground basilica).

The first, located near the tomb of San Gennaro where some of the first Neapolitan bishops were buried.

The second is the result of an extensive transformation of the nearby rooms carried out when, in the V century, San Gennaro was transferred.

Booking & Travel

Catacombs of San Gennaro wheelchair accessible tours.

Unmissable visit at it with our Naples & Sorrento Accessible Tours.

Specifically tailored to wheelchair users, reduced mobility persons and disabled with an adapted van.

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