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Herculaneum Wheelchair Naples Accessible Italy Tours
Herculaneum Wheelchair Naples Accessible Italy Tours
Herculaneum Wheelchair Accessible Tours
Herculaneum Wheelchair Accessible Tours

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Herculaneum Wheelchair Accessible Tours

With Vesuvius brooding on the horizon any visit to the Bay of Naples area should include a visit to Herculaneum wheelchair accessible tours for people with disabilities.

It is unjustly less famous than its bigger brother Pompeii as the state of preservation of the buildings are generally a lot superior.

Herculaneum wheelchair accessible tours was originally discovered when a well was being dug in the early 18th Century at a depth of 50 – 60 feet below the modern surface.

Initially, Herculaneum, a series of ‘robber’ shafts and tunnels were dug to strip the site of any saleable valuables.

Private Herculaneum Wheelchair Accessible Tours

Naples and Sorrento disabled friendly accessible guided tours and cruise shore excursions.

Accessible Italian Holiday provide a safe and a full Herculaneum wheelchair accessible tours accessible tours around it at previewed itineraries.

Visit this rich and fascinating archeological site with a specialist tourist guide.

Adapted van transportation specifically designed for disabled tourists traveling on holiday to Italy.

Touring Herculaneum

However, between 1749 to 1765 Herculaneum was explored on a more scientific basis for the Bourbon Kings of Naples and the Two Sicilies.

Initially under the supervision of Rocco Gioacchino Alcubierre and then his assistant Carlo Weber.

The excavations of Herculaneum uncovered few human remains until the 1980's when hundreds of skeletons were found in boat chambers along the beachfront.

People had apparently gathered in this area in the hopes of escaping from the terrifying effects of the eruption.

Booking & Travel

Herculaneum wheelchair accessible tours.

Unmissable visit at it with our Naples & Sorrento Accessible Tours.

Specifically tailored to wheelchair users, reduced mobility persons and disabled with an adapted van.

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Ravello, CS01

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