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Sansevero Chapel
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Sansevero Chapel Wheelchair Naples Accessible Italy Tours
Sansevero Chapel Wheelchair Naples Accessible Italy Tours
Sansevero Chapel Wheelchair Accessible Tours
Sansevero Chapel Wheelchair Accessible Tours

Sansevero Chapel Wheelchair Accessible Tours

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Sansevero Chapel Wheelchair Accessible Tours

The Sansevero Chapel wheelchair accessible tours, is one of the symbols of Naples.

It is one of the main attractions to see in the Neapolitan city as well as one of the most beautiful sacred buildings in the Campania capital.

Sansevero Chapel in Naples is a fascinating monument full of mystery.

Famous throughout the world for being the keeper of one of the most surprising works representing the Veiled Christ.

The Sansevero Chapel is the most visited by Italian and foreign tourists who want to personally breathe the air of mystery that reigns around the sculpture.

A monument not to be missed and to be known in every detail.

Baroque creativity and dynastic pride, beauty and mystery intertwine here, creating a unique atmosphere, almost out of time.

Among masterpieces such as the famous Veiled Christ, whose image has traveled the world for the prodigious "texture" of the marble veil.

Wonders of virtuosity such as disillusion and enigmatic presences such as the Anatomical Machines, the Sansevero Chapel represents one of the most singular monuments that human ingenuity has ever conceived.

Naples Wheelchair Accessible Tours

Naples and Sorrento disabled friendly accessible guided tours and cruise shore excursions.

Accessible Italian Holiday provide a safe and a full Sansevero Chapel wheelchair accessible tours accessible tours around it at previewed itineraries.

Visit this rich and fascinating archeological site with a specialist tourist guide.

Adapted van transportation specifically designed for disabled tourists traveling on holiday to Italy.

Touring Sansevero Chapel

A noble mausoleum, an initiatory temple into which the multifaceted personality of its brilliant creator is admirably transfused: Raimondo di Sangro, seventh prince of Sansevero.

Up close it is possible to see hundreds of aesthetic details taken care of to perfection.

In fact, the veil that rests on the body of Christ possesses a unique plasticity.

This element seems to rest in the wounds of the sculpture behaving as if it were a real veil and not a marble sculpture.

The Sansevero Chapel is a very small place, but steeped in extraordinary beauty.

In fact, inside there are several works that have been around the world for their extraordinary uniqueness.

On the other hand, it is no coincidence that this building is considered one of the most beautiful in Naples.

This is to be considered as a prestige, given that in the Neapolitan city there are several buildings of rare beauty.

Booking & Travel

Sansevero Chapel wheelchair accessible tours.

Unmissable visit at it with our Naples & Sorrento Accessible Tours.

Specifically tailored to wheelchair users, reduced mobility persons and disabled with an adapted van.

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