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Velia Wheelchair Accessible Tours

Velia wheelchair accessible tours is an ancient Greek city located along the Cilento Coast.

Just beyond the mouth of the river that gives its name to the territory, the Alento.

The Phocians exiled from the Ionian cities at the advent of the Persians founded this city in the 540 BC.

In the period of formation of the colonies of Magna Graecia, Elea assumed the characteristics of an autonomous and rapidly expanding city.

Until it reached the degree of civilization that would have given birth to the philosophers Parmenides and Zeno.

Closed by hills and mountains, the Velini developed an economy of exclusive maritime trade.

They achieving considerable prosperity and giving life to a philosophical school, called Eleatic.

Cilento Coast is one of the most beautiful areas of Campania region and it is worth visiting both for the landscape of the interior and for the coast and is included entirely in the province of Salerno.

At the time of the Greeks it was called Elea, while the Romans renamed it Velia as Pliny wrote.

The city, formerly a colony of Marseille, remained tenacious guardian of Hellenism.

Continuing to use the Greek language even in the Roman imperial age.

It was the seat of a prestigious medical school whose traditions and knowledge are considered by many to be the roots of the Salernitana Medical School.

In the Roman Age the name changed to Velia and illustrious personalities including Cicero and Orazio found Velia an ideal destination for their holidays.

Private Velia Wheelchair Accessible Tours

Naples and Sorrento disabled friendly accessible guided tours and cruise shore excursions.

Accessible Italian Holiday provide a safe and a full Velia wheelchair accessible tours accessible tours around it at previewed itineraries.

Visit this rich and fascinating archeological site with a specialist tourist guide.

Adapted van transportation specifically designed for disabled tourists traveling on holiday to Italy.

Touring Velia

The urban structure of ancient Velia is divided into three nucleus.

The southern quarter, the northern quarter and the Acropolis.

The wheelchair accessible tours begins in the lower town, where most of the buildings date back to the Hellenistic and Roman age.

Among other things, one can observe the remains of the city gates ( Porta Rosa and Porta Marina ), a thermal building, the Acropolis, the Agora and the Sanctuary of Poseidon Asphaleios.

Access to the city is through Porta Marina which is protected by a quadrangular tower.

Passing the gate you enter the city where you find two insulae and houses from the Hellenistic period.

Taking the road that leads to Porta Rosa on the left you find the Imperial Baths and further on you have the Agora.

Is a monumental area consisting of a rectangular square bordered on three sides by arcaded walls and with a colonnaded front.

During the ascent towards the Acropolis you will notice the remains of the oldest inhabited settlement in the city ( 540-535 BC)  and later the remains of the small theater dating back to the IV century BC.

Great tower of the Norman castle.

Here you find the area where the public and religious life of the city took place, namely the Acropolis.

Continuing, you come to a second terrace where there was another sacred area.

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Velia wheelchair accessible tours.

Unmissable visit at it with our Naples & Sorrento Accessible Tours.

Specifically tailored to wheelchair users, reduced mobility persons and disabled with an adapted van.

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